
04/04/2023 - 11:48

New as of April 2023, we proudly present materials adapted for our users in the Australasian region.

10/10/2022 - 15:42

DIBELS 8th Edition percentiles and Zones of Growth have been updated. The national sample represents performance of students after a period of unprecedented disruption and challenge to typical instructional practices resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic.

08/17/2021 - 15:41

A limited set of DIBELS 8th Edition Student Assessment Materials and Scoring Materials have been updated for 2021-2022.

05/21/2021 - 19:08

University of Oregon is seeking participants to continue research for improving and innovating reading comprehension assessment.

05/21/2021 - 16:13

We know change can be hard! To help you manage the changes on our website (, we've created this handy list of FAQs.

05/18/2021 - 15:21

Thank you for your continued use of the DIBELS Data System (DDS). We are pleased to announce that Amplify now operates the DDS.

Go to DDS at Amplify!